Pamela Yoder is a filmmaker with a long and storied history in non-fiction documentary film. As the co-founder of Broadcast News Network, she oversaw the acquisition and curation of the historic CameraPlanet Archive, know known as the largest single collection of 9/11 video in the world. She directed and produced Witness 9/11, An emotional and gripping look at the attacks and the aftermath through the eyes, and the cameras, of six New Yorkers. Amid the terror and the chaos of that September 11th, these filmmakers, amateurs, and professionals, grabbed their cameras and hit the streets. She has two EMMY’s, one for Life On Trial, AIDS Guinea Pigs, and for Outstanding Magazine Format Television. Her work has been seen on A&E, MSNBC, National Geographic, Court TV and CBS. CameraPlanet Archive: Manage, edit, and license clips of this video archive of over 500 hours of material.

Steven Rosenbaum is a pioneer at the forefront of the rapidly changing media landscape, widely regarded as the father of user-generated video, Rosenbaum created MTV UNfiltered, groundbreaking, pre-web television series that handed cameras to young storytellers. He is also renowned in film. An Emmy Award-winning documentary filmmaker, his “7 Days in September” gathered more than 500 hours of video around 9/11 – taking viewers on an emotional journey through the eyes of 28 filmmakers and citizen storytellers. Other film work includes long-form documentary projects for National Geographic, HBO, CNN, MSNBC, Discovery, A&E, and The History Channel.
Together, Pamela Yoder and Steven Rosenbaum have documented, archived, and curated what is called by The New York Times the largest collection of 9/11 footage in the world. It is known as The CameraPlanet Archive. Together they’ve produced films about Neo-Nazi’s, the LA County Coroner’s Office, Girl Gangs, and the Search for Osama Bin Laden. But their most lasting work remains “7 Days in September” a woven first-person narrative from 28 New Yorkers into an intimate and urgent remembrance of the attacks and the week that followed.