A PATH subway car, in storage at the large artifact storage facility at Hanger 17 at JFK
the Tridents - recovered and ready for return to the site.
Fire trucks, stored at Hanger 17, Large Artifact storage faclity at JFK.

underground the WTC site, at the Museum construction site.
Water from the surrounding river is pumped out of the WTC ‘bathtub’ with this massive pumping station under ground zero.
Hanger 17 - the Firetruck waits to be returned to the site.
Alice Greenwald The Director of the World Trade Center Memorial Museum tours the site with the head of the Holocaust Museum.
Shot by Allison Joyce
The vehicle storage shed at Hanger 17, the site of large artifact restoration and storage for the National 9/11 Memorial and Museum.
Hanger 17, bicycle rack recovered from the colapse of the World Trade Center, tagged to be returned to the Museum.
Engineering reconstruction of the impact steel at the WTC - marking how the plane tore through the building facade.
Fire trucks, stored at Hanger 17, Large Artifact storage faclity at JFK.
KC Fabrications, Gardiner NY prepairs the bronze plates that will surround the WTC Memorial Pools. Names of the victims are incised in the plates.